Blog #25 - Oregon Respite!

After months of consistent travel we were looking forward to quality time visiting with Steve’s Cousin Carole just outside of Portland, Oregon - finally exploring this alluring state! Our days happily involved: laughing, sharing stories, listening to music, thrifting, creating a tinfoil swan, delicious meals, visiting another Harvest Host location, a short excursion to Eugene, and hiking around dazzling Crater Lake National Park. One month was definitely not enough to see it all so another visit will need to be scheduled!

HH#8 - Blue Heron French Cheese Company - Our first stop in Oregon provided us with delicious cheese, jam, cute animals, and a great place to camp right next to huge wild blackberry bushes bursting with fruit - delicious!

Music and artistry runs deep in the veins of Cottens, including Steve of course! Check out his music on Spotify:

If you would like to purchase a CD ($10) let me know!

Over the years I have been witness to their many talents from instrumental, singing, artwork, writing, and culinary skills. We were fortunate to spend time throughout our visit to Portland checking out amazing local talent, including Cousin Carole herself singing with “Joe and the Wheel Monkeys”!

“Joe and the Wheel Monkeys” - featuring Cousin Carole!

We were able to take an overnight excursion to Eugene, having an amazing whirlwind tour guided by Craig, a college friend (and another amazing musician!) of both Steve’s and Carole’s. Our tour included a walk about the University of Oregon, a quick drive through Eugene, and a gorgeous evening stroll. We were surprised to learn that many of the scenes from Animal House were filmed in Eugene, including the famous cafeteria scene (photo below) located on campus. On our drive back to Portland we passed a very overladen car - guessing they were returning from Burning Man which had just ended - LOL.

Goodnight Eugene!

Our time in Portland was wonderful and reminded us of the luxuries provided by being stationary with modern home amenities, loving family, and supportive local community. Thank you so much to Carole and John for their hospitality! Just a few more happy photos before heading south to visit Crater Lake, Oregon!

Original by Steve Cotten.

Our final destination in Oregon was Crater Lake National Park. Of course it would not be a travel blog for us to not include photos from yet another forest fire drive through. On the way we camped overnight free of charge (out of season) at Walt Haring Snow-Park and Campground. This spot was lovely and we were even able to get a short hike in before another chilly night in the Scamp.

Crater Lake National Park - Too many spectacular autumn photos to choose from!

Our final night in Oregon was spent sleeping in a Cracker Barrel parking lot - thank you CB for allowing overnight campers! Before hunkering down for the evening we caught a couple of amazing post rain photos. Next stop - California - Somewhere Over the Rainbow!!

Coddiwompling “To Travel in a Purposeful Manner Towards a Vague Destination”

Link to Steve’s music: (Let me know if you are interested in purchasing a CD/$10.)

“Portland, Oregon won’t build a mile of road without a mile of bike path. You can commute there, even with that weather, all the time.” - Lance Armstrong

“It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.” - J.R.R. Tolkien